AHRA President's Post

AHRA President’s Update: Charting a Course for Success in 2024

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By Becky Allen, R.T.(R), MS, CRA

It’s hard to believe 2024 is here and harder to believe that January has come and gone. Stepping into the promising realm of the new year, it’s an honor to share an update with you on the organization’s progress towards our key strategic goals focused on innovation, membership, and collaboration. Based on direct feedback from our members and several corporate and medical imaging association partners, these goals reflect AHRA’s commitment to advancing the field of medical imaging management, both today and well into the future of our organization.

The 5-year strategic plan has 3 integrated pillars with various initiatives planned and/or underway in 2024 to help us achieve our objectives.

I. Innovating and Adapting

The healthcare industry has changed significantly over the last several years resulting in the need for AHRA members to develop and utilize new leadership skills and tools.  Tighter restrictions on travel and professional development budgets are causing members to seek new ways to engage with colleagues virtually and more locally. AHRA is committed to proactively enhance and develop new services, products, and methods to support these changing needs.  Two examples that come to mind are…

Our CLIMB Conference Will Be Virtual!

Experience 2 days of real-time sessions, this March 21st and 22nd, and gain valuable knowledge and leadership insights without the need to travel. Our virtual platform will allow for even more team members to attend specific (or all!) sessions and this provides a fantastic platform for collaborative or team learning. Visit AHRA’s website for more information and to register: https://www.ahra.org/education-events/upcoming-events/climb

Enhancing Our CRA Credential

AHRA has begun the process to reassess the core job responsibilities of imaging administrators to ensure that our CRA materials, support services, and credentialing processes are fully up to date. In parallel with this work, we are revising and updating our text books and other materials. I want to extend a special thank you to Jacqui Rose for leading the revision efforts.

II.  Attracting and Retaining Members

One of the primary objectives for AHRA this year is to enhance our community by attracting and retaining members. We know the invaluable contributions of our current members and we understand the importance of expanding the AHRA family. Today we stand at just over 5,400 members! Several initiatives have already begun rolling out this year to continue to highlight and help are members connect to our community.

The AHRA Mentorship Program: Entering Year 2

Launched at last year’s Annual Meeting and with generous support from GE Healthcare, the AHRA Mentorship Program provides a unique networking and career development opportunity that is open to all members.  To learn more, visit our website here:  https://www.ahra.org/mentoring

Attend My Way Events

Facilitated by the AHRA Membership Committee, these virtual networking sessions promote AHRA services, offerings and opportunities to engage that enhance members’ experiences. The next My Way event is scheduled for Friday, February 23rd from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST. More information is available on the AHRA website here: https://www.ahra.org/education-events/upcoming-events/ahra-my-way2

Or, Attend Local Area Meetings

Get closer to the action by attending our networking and educational-focused regional or area meetings. These meetings provide opportunities for members to meet locally, or regionally, for networking and CE credits. We have two upcoming meetings and several others in development:

  • Pacific Northwest (2/24) – Details available on the AHRA website
  • Southeast Florida (3/13) – Final details will be available soon.

Experience Annual Meeting

The AHRA Annual Meeting serves as a “family” reunion of sorts and the premier networking and professional development event for the field of medical imaging. This year’s event is scheduled for August 4th through the 7th in Orlando, Florida. You can find more information, as well as instructions on how to apply  to be a presenter at the meeting, on the AHRA website here: https://www.ahra.org/education-events/upcoming-events/2024-annual-meeting

III.  Strategic Alliances with Key Associations and Corporate Partners

Recognizing the strength in unity, AHRA is set to enhance collaborative relationships with prominent associations and corporations/vendors in the medical imaging field. These efforts are intended to create synergies, share best practices, and help us to collectively address challenges facing the industry. Additionally, these relationships will help us to enhance educational and professional development products and services to our members. 

One of the primary initiatives planned to work on with our partners is to develop and provide Best Practice Performance Metrics and Benchmarks to our members.  We understand the significance of data-driven decision-making and will be working with our partners and a group of AHRA members and staff to compile and disseminate data to enable members to assess their performance, identify areas for improvement, and align with industry best practices.  Much more to come about our plans and progress with this initiative in the coming weeks.


I could not be more excited about our roadmap for success and what lies ahead for AHRA in this new year. Our strategic goals of attracting and retaining members, forming alliances with key associations and industry partners, and providing benchmarking data underscore AHRA’s commitment to advancing the field of medical imaging management. As the year unfolds, AHRA members can look forward to a strengthened community, collaborative initiatives, and valuable resources that contribute to their professional growth and the quality of services their teams provide to patients every day.

One comment

  1. Thanks for the update. I like the direction we are headed in. I applaud the organization for listening to the membership. It is great to see regional meetings again.

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