Equitable Heartbeats: Empowering Rad Professionals to Bridge the Gap

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By Nicole Dhanraj

A staggering statistic hangs heavy as we step into Heart Health Month: Black adults are 50% more likely to succumb to cardiovascular disease (CVD) than their white counterparts.

This grim reality isn’t limited to race – Hispanic and indigenous communities also bear a disproportionate burden. It’s a grim picture painted by an insidious force: health inequity.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

The shadows of SDOH, like the lack of fresh produce or affordable healthy foods, unreliable public transportation to medical appointments, and the constant stress of living paycheck to paycheck in neighborhoods with high air pollution, all conspire to shape these stark disparities in cardiovascular health.

A study reveals a stark truth – bridging the income gap and ensuring access to basic needs like healthy food and secure housing could slash cardiovascular death rates by a staggering 30%.

Hesitant Bystanders Impact Survival

But statistics are one thing, lived experiences another. The urgency amplifies when we consider out-of-hospital cardiac arrest responses. Imagine a gasping stranger on a city sidewalk in need of CPR. In that moment, a hidden script based on race, health, and even worthiness can flash across some minds.

This unconscious bias, woven from societal conversations, turns potential lifesavers into hesitant bystanders. Sadly, for Black and Hispanic individuals, this script plays out too often, plummeting bystander CPR rates to 35%.

It’s a heartbreaking reality: structural racism’s echo, impacting survival in moments of greatest vulnerability.

Beacons of Change

All of us, as radiology professionals, can be beacons of change. This Heart Health Month is not just a calendar blip but a catalyst for lasting change. We can share these life-saving skills by participating in community CPR education initiatives or starting our own!

I have taught CPR to churches, schools, small communities, and even my children! The intent is to make every bystander a heart savior! Imagine the ripple effect: every educated individual becomes a first responder in their community!

But the road to equitable heart health requires more than CPR. Technologists must confront the uncomfortable truth of implicit bias within themselves and healthcare systems. Training programs, open conversations, and a dedication to dismantling historical inequities are the tools we wield.

Every Heartbeat Counts

Look around your community. Identify partner organizations running food drives, advocating for equitable healthcare access, or simply educating the community about healthy lifestyles. Remember, every heartbeat counts. Let’s ensure that every life beats strongly and steadily regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic status.

Let’s turn this Heart Health Month into a catalyst for lasting change. Together, we can make every heartbeat count.

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